Once again, we would like to thank many wonderful parishioners for their continuous eagerness to help putting together another beautiful Parish Dinner.
Thanks to:
- Halina Baruk for her skills and taste in organizing amazing menus each time we get together.
- Leokadia and Teresa Garbowski for their help and dedication with the dinners.
- parishioners Genowefa Borys, Marie Ceran, Krystyna Mroczkowska, Irene Lipinski, Dorothy Lengyel, and JoAnn Tonnos-Morrison for their help in setting up, serving, washing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen and hall after the dinner.
- all who attended and had a wonderful time.
Thank you for your support.
God Bless you all!
Beatrice Najbert
We also need to extend our gratitude to Beatrice for all her hard work planning and organizing these parish events. God Bless you!
Fr. Mirek and parishioners.